About This Blog

The butterfly picture in the upper left corner is a symbol and reminder for me of the spiritual process. Sometimes I am the caterpillar - barely able to see far enough in front of me to put one foot in front of the other. Sometimes I find myself in that dark place of the soul, and I remind myself that it is simply my cocoon. While all may seem dark, and I may feel like everything is totally disintegrating around me (and in me!) a miracle is at work in my life and I will soon be able to fly! I love those days where I experience the butterfly in my life! The ability to fly above all the mundane earthy matters and remember the truth and experience God's power in tangible ways in my life are wonderful times indeed that occur more and more often as I continue this journey! Thank you, God!

If you are so inclined, I invite you to journey with me as we seek the promised land together. While I hope to share some "faithbooking" (scrapbook pages or artistic journaling about my faith journey), much of the time the journey may well be seen in words, rather than pictures. I invite you to create your own pictures. How do these things play out in your life? I'd love to hear from you about your own spiritual journey!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


I've been thinking about Serenity this morning.  I continue to be amazed at how the Lord is protecting me from fear in a situation in which I would ordinarily be spending a great deal of my time worrying.  I am SO grateful!  Instead of panicking about what may be happening with attempted fraud, as my human tendencies would dictate, I find myself praising God for his protection and guidance and I feel a peace in my soul.  Amazing!  Talk about miracles, this is one of the biggest!  These words from Psalms are on my mind this morning:
"The Lord  is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord  is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"  (Psalms 27:1 KJV)
Thank you, Father for being my light, my salvation, and my strength.  You are an amazing God!

These words from II Samuel also speak to me this morning:

"The ways of God are without fault; the Lord's words are pure. He is a shield to those who trust him.Who is God? Only the Lord. Who is the Rock? Only our God. God is my protection. He makes my way free from fault.  He makes me like a deer that does not stumble; he helps me stand on the steep mountains. He trains my hands for battle so my arms can bend a bronze bow. You protect me with your saving shield. You have stooped to make me great. You give me a better way to live, so I live as you want me to." (2 Samuel 22:31-37 NCV)
Father, I am so grateful for you this morning.  Thank you for being my shield, my rock, my protection.  As a "recovering perfectionist" I am particularly grateful for the promise that you will make my way free from fault! Thank you for the promise to keep me from stumbling no matter how steep the terrain!  Father, may I so live within your will for me that I can say with the writer of 2 Samuel, "I live as you want me to."  Thank you for keeping me in the hollow of your hand where no one can pluck me out!  I love you, Father.

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