Jesus said to another man, "Follow me!" But he said, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father." But Jesus said to him, "Let the people who are dead bury their own dead. You must go and tell about the kingdom of God." Another man said, "I will follow you, Lord, but first let me go and say good-bye to my family." Jesus said, "Anyone who begins to plow a field but keeps looking back is of no use in the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:59-62 NCV)
That last sentence just jumped out at me. "Anyone who begins to plow a field but keeps looking back is of no use in the kingdom of God." Of course if you're plowing a field and not watching where you're going, you're likely to create all sorts of a mess. How foolish! And yet, I realize I've often done the same thing. Instead of having my mind fully focused on the task ahead of me, I've been thinking about other things.
Sometimes this happens because the task ahead of me is something I'm afraid of and I keep thinking about things I'd rather do. Sometimes it's simply selfishness rearing it's ugly head telling me that the task ahead isn't much fun and it would be so much more fun to do . . . .whatever. Sometimes it's because something traumatic has occurred and I can't seem to put it out of my mind, and sometimes it's about looking to see who is watching.
No matter the reason, for me prayer is the answer. In the first case, my prayer is that God's perfect love cast out my fear. The second and fourth call for a prayer that selfishness and self-seeking to be removed and a right spirit put within - that I be willing and eager for God's will to be done. The third calls for a reminder that God does all things well and I can trust him with my life and the lives of those I care about. No matter what it is that is blocking my way from accomplishing my tasks, God is the answer.
Thank you, Father, for being my answer today! I praise you for being a God of miracles - not just out there or just for others, but in my own heart! May I be so filled with your love and with a desire to see your will done, that I keep my mind firmly set on you and the tasks you have set before me for this day! Thank you, Father!
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