About This Blog

The butterfly picture in the upper left corner is a symbol and reminder for me of the spiritual process. Sometimes I am the caterpillar - barely able to see far enough in front of me to put one foot in front of the other. Sometimes I find myself in that dark place of the soul, and I remind myself that it is simply my cocoon. While all may seem dark, and I may feel like everything is totally disintegrating around me (and in me!) a miracle is at work in my life and I will soon be able to fly! I love those days where I experience the butterfly in my life! The ability to fly above all the mundane earthy matters and remember the truth and experience God's power in tangible ways in my life are wonderful times indeed that occur more and more often as I continue this journey! Thank you, God!

If you are so inclined, I invite you to journey with me as we seek the promised land together. While I hope to share some "faithbooking" (scrapbook pages or artistic journaling about my faith journey), much of the time the journey may well be seen in words, rather than pictures. I invite you to create your own pictures. How do these things play out in your life? I'd love to hear from you about your own spiritual journey!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Creation Day 6

Day 6 of creation was a busy day indeed:
"Then God said, "Let the earth be filled with animals, each producing more of its own kind. Let there be tame animals and small crawling animals and wild animals, and let each produce more of its kind." And it happened. So God made the wild animals, the tame animals, and all the small crawling animals to produce more of their own kind. God saw that this was good. 
Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our image and likeness. And let them rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the tame animals, over all the earth, and over all the small crawling animals on the earth."  So God created human beings in his image. In the image of God he created them. He created them male and female. 
God blessed them and said, "Have many children and grow in number. Fill the earth and be its master. Rule over the fish in the sea and over the birds in the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."  God said, "Look, I have given you all the plants that have grain for seeds and all the trees whose fruits have seeds in them. They will be food for you.  I have given all the green plants as food for every wild animal, every bird of the air, and every small crawling animal." And it happened. God looked at everything he had made, and it was very good. Evening passed, and morning came. This was the sixth day." (Genesis 1:24-31 NCV)
Father, what is it that you want me to understand for today?  And how does this apply to my life and what you are seeking to create in and through me?  Several thoughts cross my mind as I read this passage:
  • What do the differences between tame animals, wild animals, and small crawling animals signify that they are spelled out separately like that?  
  • I note again that each creates after it's kind.  This is a fundamental aspect of creation - what we focus on creates more like itself.  It's SO important to focus on the positive!
  • I note the creation of humans comes with instructions - what they are to do and what they are to eat.  What does this signify?
There's a lot here, and I won't try to get to it all today.  I'll start by looking at the significance of the different animals; looking up their meanings in Strong's Concordance.  
  • First the word translated "animals" means "breathing creature" and is used literally (bodily) and metaphorically (mentally).  Once again it's a reminder to me to watch my thoughts as they have a life of their own.  They will create after their kind, so I want to focus on the positive!
  • Tame - the word comes from a word meaning to be "mute", and means a "dumb beast"- particularly a
    "large quadruped or animal (often collective)".
  • Small Crawling - The word itself means a reptile or any rapidly moving animal, and comes from a word that means to glide swiftly, to crawl with short steps, or figuratively to swarm.
  • Wild - This word simply means "to be alive - raw, fresh, strong - literally or figuratively" and comes from a word meaning "to live - literally or figuratively". 
As I think about these types and the way the produce "after their kind", I am reminded not only to watch my words and my deeds to ensure they're ones I want to to reproduce, but also that there is a time for everything.  There is a time to think about and create big common things, a time to think about and create many small quickly moving things, and a time to think about and create fresh new strong things. Once again, Father, I seek your guidance.  What do I need to understand for today?

As I think about these things, I realize I am much more drawn to the "wild" animals.  I want to focus on those "fresh" things.  I love thinking about and creating things that are new to me.  Those "dumb beasts" to me seem rather boring - yet they were so important for the people being spoken to here!  Those "dumb beasts" were the ones that got things done - plowing the fields, carrying people where they wanted to go, providing milk for cheese and butter.  The wild animals might have been beautiful to see and really strong, but they weren't particularly "biddable".  Later as people began to eat meat for food, though they enjoyed wild venison, the meat from their domestic animals was a staple. 

I realize I need to focus more of my attention on domestic issues.  I don't like stopping my creative work to do the more mundane household chores, but they are IMPORTANT and life sustaining!  I need to be willing to take the time necessary to take care of myself.  

What about those small crawling things?  There are many small chores that are a part of my daily life.  Each seems pretty insignificant by itself, but they have a way of quickly becoming an almost overwhelming "swarm" if not attended to on a regular basis.

Father, once again you show me how stubborn I am!  I don't want to "waste time" on all those household chores that seem to get in the way of my spending time doing the more creative work that I love.  And yet, life sustaining certainly is not a "waste of time"!  Father, I once again need you both to WILL in me and to DO of your good pleasure (Phil 2:13) in my life !  I see how resistant I am to spending much time on domestic issues - especially right now when other issues seem so pressing and deadlines so close!  Father, I want to do a good job with these new things you are bringing into my life!  I also want YOUR will to be done, and I recognize that your creation includes the more mundane as well as the new.  Father, please increase my willingness and desire to follow through with the mundane issues that need attention.  Please guide my thoughts and my activities today that they may be in alignment with YOUR will.  Thank you, Father, as I once again remember "the way that you keep everything running right" and shout your praises (Psalms 119:164). So be it - on earth (especially the earth of my life) as it is in heaven! (Matthew 6:10)

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