About This Blog

The butterfly picture in the upper left corner is a symbol and reminder for me of the spiritual process. Sometimes I am the caterpillar - barely able to see far enough in front of me to put one foot in front of the other. Sometimes I find myself in that dark place of the soul, and I remind myself that it is simply my cocoon. While all may seem dark, and I may feel like everything is totally disintegrating around me (and in me!) a miracle is at work in my life and I will soon be able to fly! I love those days where I experience the butterfly in my life! The ability to fly above all the mundane earthy matters and remember the truth and experience God's power in tangible ways in my life are wonderful times indeed that occur more and more often as I continue this journey! Thank you, God!

If you are so inclined, I invite you to journey with me as we seek the promised land together. While I hope to share some "faithbooking" (scrapbook pages or artistic journaling about my faith journey), much of the time the journey may well be seen in words, rather than pictures. I invite you to create your own pictures. How do these things play out in your life? I'd love to hear from you about your own spiritual journey!

Monday, May 23, 2016

What's cookin'?

The more time I've spent reading here in Ecclesiastes, the more I realize that at least part of what it's talking to me about is time management - a concept that is often on my mind.
This morning I found myself going back over some verses in Ecclesiastes chapter 2.  Initially Solomon sounds pretty depressed:
"Then I said to myself, 'As is the fate of the fool, it will also befall me.  Why then have I been extremely wise?' . . . And how the wise man and the fool alike die. So I hated life, for the work which had been done under the sun was grievous to me; because everything is futility and striving after wind. Thus I hated all the fruit of my labor for which I had labored under the sun, for I must leave it to the man who will come after me.  And who knows whether he will be a wise man or a fool? . . . For what does a man get in all his labor and in his striving with which he labors under the sun? Because all his days his task is painful and grievous; even at night his mind does not rest. . . Eccl 2:15-23
I can certainly relate.  I've been there:
  • I've wondered if what I work so hard to accomplish makes any difference at all in the grand scheme of things - why I'm working so hard when few would notice if something happened to me and I was no longer doing all that work.  It would just be like a little blip on the radar screen that is soon forgotten.
  • I've also had times where I found my tasks painful and challenging and at night had trouble getting my mind to shut off so I could sleep!
But then Solomon gives us a much better answer than falling into frustration and depression:
There is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and tell himself that his labor is good.  This also I have seen, that it is from the hand of God. For who can eat and who can have enjoyment without Him?" - Eccl 2:15-25 NAS
This sounds so similar to what he says in Eccl 3:12, 13 that I know I need to pay attention.  I've often found when reading the Bible that when something is repeated it's usually important!  Father, what is it that I need to notice here?  What are you trying to get my attention about?  I recognize the value in seeing good in all my labor - as I looked at yesterday.  You set the example for us at the very beginning as you created the world - to take the time to note at the end of the day that we've done a good job.  I can see how important this is for me to learn to emulate.  But what about the focus on "eat and drink"?

As I sit with that question, I realize - too often when I'm busy working, I don't want to take the time to stop and prepare a healthy meal for myself.  In fact, I can easily work through mealtime all together without much notice!  Just as some time ago God talked to me about the importance of sleep ("It is useless to get up early and stay up late, eating the food of exhausting labor - truly he gives sleep to those he loves." Ps 127:2 ISV), He is now reminding me that taking time to prepare food and enjoy eating it is part of His plan for me.  

How different God is than some of my earthly bosses have been (including myself some times!).  I've worked for bosses who want to see me working hard all the time, expect me to burn the midnight oil, and don't care if I am working so hard I don't have time for lunch or sleep.  They see that as simply what they're paying me for!  I am SO glad that is not the way God treats me!  Instead He reminds me to stop and rest and eat and enjoy life!

Thank you, Father!  You are such a caring, loving, Father!  I am happy to serve One who has my best at heart the way You do!  You care more about me than I do about myself!  No wonder that I enter into your gates with thanksgiving and into your courts with praise!  You are amazing and I am so grateful to be your child.  I love you, Father.

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