About This Blog

The butterfly picture in the upper left corner is a symbol and reminder for me of the spiritual process. Sometimes I am the caterpillar - barely able to see far enough in front of me to put one foot in front of the other. Sometimes I find myself in that dark place of the soul, and I remind myself that it is simply my cocoon. While all may seem dark, and I may feel like everything is totally disintegrating around me (and in me!) a miracle is at work in my life and I will soon be able to fly! I love those days where I experience the butterfly in my life! The ability to fly above all the mundane earthy matters and remember the truth and experience God's power in tangible ways in my life are wonderful times indeed that occur more and more often as I continue this journey! Thank you, God!

If you are so inclined, I invite you to journey with me as we seek the promised land together. While I hope to share some "faithbooking" (scrapbook pages or artistic journaling about my faith journey), much of the time the journey may well be seen in words, rather than pictures. I invite you to create your own pictures. How do these things play out in your life? I'd love to hear from you about your own spiritual journey!

Saturday, January 25, 2020

My Immunity

Last time I wrote, I wrote about praise, and it continues to be a focus for me.  A couple of weeks ago, I felt God was telling me that praise in the form of music was important for me to incorporate into my quiet time with Him.  The Psalms are full of injunctions to "Sing unto the Lord" and to praise him with various musical instruments.

I have once again discovered, as I put these directives into practice, that His directions to me are always for MY benefit.  It's not that He has such a big ego that He needs my praise.  It is for MY benefit to praise Him!!!

One day last week as I was praising Him - talking with Him about things I admire in Him - I started talking to Him about the marvelous way He made our bodies to protect themselves from so many diseases & attacks from various sources.  Our immune system is amazing!  And I want to do all I can to work with His plan for my body so that system is working at full power.

And then I had a thought.  If God put that much design into defenses for our physical body, He surely has done so for our emotional and spiritual bodies as well!  The answer was swift.  YES!!! This is why we are told to "Rejoice in the Lord always" (Phil 4:4 - and many similar).  This is why we're told to "count it all joy when you face various trials" (James 1:2).  This is why we're told to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord . . . enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him and bless His name."(Ps 100:1,4)   Praise, gratitude, faith and joy are the foundations of our TRUE immune system!  Medical science has shown how our attitudes affect our physical health.  And obviously, our mental outlook is much improved when we focus on joy and gratitude.  And now I'm realizing it is also how our spiritual selves defend against the enemy's fiery arrows!!! Thank you, God!

Father, today - and every day! - may I remember to always look to you.  May I face any challenges with joy and faith, presenting my requests with thanksgiving, and keeping your praise on my lips.  Father, you are an awesome God!  And there is no selfishness or self-seeking in you.  Your directives are ALL for OUR good, and that is what brings you joy.  Father, may I emulate you!  May you so fill my heart that all I want from others is THEIR good!  May there be no vestiges of selfishness or self-seeking left in me.  Cleanse me, Father & I will be clean! Thank you, God!!!

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