About This Blog

The butterfly picture in the upper left corner is a symbol and reminder for me of the spiritual process. Sometimes I am the caterpillar - barely able to see far enough in front of me to put one foot in front of the other. Sometimes I find myself in that dark place of the soul, and I remind myself that it is simply my cocoon. While all may seem dark, and I may feel like everything is totally disintegrating around me (and in me!) a miracle is at work in my life and I will soon be able to fly! I love those days where I experience the butterfly in my life! The ability to fly above all the mundane earthy matters and remember the truth and experience God's power in tangible ways in my life are wonderful times indeed that occur more and more often as I continue this journey! Thank you, God!

If you are so inclined, I invite you to journey with me as we seek the promised land together. While I hope to share some "faithbooking" (scrapbook pages or artistic journaling about my faith journey), much of the time the journey may well be seen in words, rather than pictures. I invite you to create your own pictures. How do these things play out in your life? I'd love to hear from you about your own spiritual journey!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I CAN do it!

but he has told me, “My grace is all you need, because my power is perfected in weakness.”  - 2 Corinthians 12:9 ISV
Yesterday I awoke with this verse in my head.  I intended to blog about it, but didn't manage to do so.  This morning as I awakened, I remembered there had been something I wanted to blog about but couldn't remember what it was.  I asked God what it was and immediately this verse was once again in my head.  The miracle of that sudden recall was enough to send me directly to my blog to write about it - so here I am.

First the background for this story.  Toward the end of January I was approached about the idea of teaching a beginners class this summer.  Now, the truth for me is that teaching a beginner's class scares me much more than the higher level class I've been teaching. With a higher level class, there are certain assumptions I can make when teaching and because of this the teaching methods are different.  However, I knew that it was important to be open to the possibilities presented to me, so I indicated my willingness to teach the class and was told they would get back to me.

Months went by.  By mid-April I decided I better e-mail them about it because if we were going to advertise a summer class, the advertising needed to be in by early May.  Time passed and I received no reply to my e-mail.  I figured that meant it was not going to happen and I proceeded to begin making other plans.  Then, out of the blue, about a week ago, I received a phone call saying they thought there were enough students and we would need to start right away!  However, we were not available on the night they wanted to hold class, so it STILL wasn't certain.  They said they would check with the students about holding class on a different day, and check with other possible teachers and get back to me.  I heard back a couple of days ago that they indeed wanted me to teach the class starting this coming weekend!

My "to do" list for this week is already so long, with lots of out-of-the-ordinary commitments along with the normal ones - and our weekend is FULL with other commitments!  Though it was clear to me that I needed to be willing to start teaching right away because there was less time available for teaching the class than would be ideal anyway, I was terrified because of the lack of time to prepare.  I want to do a good job!  It was in this frame of mind that I asked for guidance and received the verse at the top of this post.  

To me it was God's voice clearly telling me that despite my feelings that I couldn't do it all, He was in charge and would be there for me.  And, in fact, I started to see how important it was at times for the task before me to feel "too big".  After all, if I felt I could do it, I might be tempted to rest on my laurels rather than turning to God for His strength and guidance!  As it is, I once again find myself thinking words like those of the prophet Jeremiah - "Father, I can't do this.  I'm new at this and don't have time to prepare."  God's answer to Jeremiah is also His answer to me:
"But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the Lord. Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put my words in your mouth." - Jeremiah 1:7-9 NIV
What a promise! I NEED those words in my mouth! Father, I am SO grateful for your promises!  As I ponder these things, I realize how much God has already prepared me for the task ahead.  Although I didn't  know if the class was a go or not, I spent most of the last week thinking through what would need to be taught and working on lesson plans.  Several times I started second guessing myself.  Why was I spending most of my time focused on something that I wasn't sure was going to happen when I had so many KNOWN things that needed attention?  But God's guidance was clear.  Whether I taught the class this summer or not, I WOULD be teaching such a class at some point so the time would not be wasted and it was what I was to do for now.  

Because of that focus, though plans are far from complete, I have a fair picture of what I need to do at the first few classes (despite on-going fear because some of the necessary teaching methods are so new to me).  Also, the weekend intensive I'll be attending this weekend will have a LOT of components designed specifically to help new teachers know how to teach beginners!  As always, God knew what needed to happen long before I did and ensured that I signed up for this weekend months ago!

I am grateful for God's promises and His work in my life.  It's true - I CAN do it, because:
I can do all things through him who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13-14 ISV
Thank you, Father, for your guidance and direction in my life!  Thank you for your promises! Thank you for preparing me and giving me what I need to meet the tasks you have set before me!  Thank you for giving me peace and continued guidance as I take the steps you show me to take.  I ask that your will be done in my life, and that I be open to receiving your guidance clearly.  Thank you for working in me both to WILL and to DO of your good pleasure.  Amen.  

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